More or less emails? This is what science students said

Read about our plans for improvements

In December 2021, we asked our science students about their information preferences and how they rate our student communication. You responded in great numbers, thank you!

After reviewing over 700 finished surveys, your comments & tips, we can conclude the following:

  • You feel that the number and tone of voice of the emails you receive are OK.
  • The multitude of platforms used for education and communication is confusing
  • The student website ( is used but is not super user-friendly
  • Searching for information on the student site is a challenge for many of you
  • Content about information meetings (e.g. about electives) is difficult to find
  • You want to know more about research and theses
  • Top 3 communication tools: E-mail, Blackboard, Teams/other students
  • In general, there is a preference for receiving important information by e-mail, then via the MyUU app and student website
  • A majority feels positive about receiving a Faculty of Science student newsletter

Plans for improvements:

Based on the survey, our interviews with students and desk research, we will implement improvements. We focus on:

  • Improve the information provided at the introduction of students' studies, particularly for bachelor students
  • Clarify which (education) systems students should use for what. For example by providing an infographic and/or pages on the student website with direct links
  • Advising lecturers on clear communication with students, for example on where they share what information
  • Improve the student website together with the study programmes, with a focus on findability and restructuring information
  • Examine options for expansion of My UU-app with responsible parties
  • Start a pilot with a student newsletter
  • Starting a focus group with science students for your continued feedback

We want to keep improving, so share your opinion!

Of course, we continue to see new points of improvement for our student communication. So please let us know if you notice any other problems or want to point out anything else communication-related.

Do you have any questions, would you like to share more experiences with us or do you have input for the student newsletter? Feel free to contact Sigrid Jansen at or Sabine de Lucht via